THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO GIVE!ONLINE Make a credit card gift online. VENMO/PAYPAL/ApplePayClick here to make a mobile gift.CASH OR CHECKMake checks payable to
Christchurch School, and mail to:
Christchurch School
Development Office
49 Seahorse Lane
Christchurch, VA 23031
STOCK OR SECURITIESAsk your broker to wire securities in the appropriate amount to:
Davenport & Company
DTC #0443
Account # DA4001529
Account name: Christchurch School Foundation
Davenport & Company Contact: Liz Jarvis at 804-697-2956
Please instruct your broker to confirm the details of the completed transaction in writing to you, as well as to Christchurch School, specifying the name and number of shares transferred, the date of transfer to our account and the mean market value per share on the date of transfer. Confirmation details should be sent to or at 804.758.2306 ext. 134 in advance of your transfer so your gift will be processed in a timely manner and properly credited to you.
Learn more about planned giving here:
Planned Giving at Christchurch School. Please contact Michelle S. Schroeter at 804.542.6850 or to discuss making a planned gift.
Legacy Giving Options:
Bequests Beneficiary designations in a retirement plan or life insurance policy Charitable Gift Annuities Charitable Remainder Trusts