Honors Humanities 9 - Continents and Colonies
Honors Humanities 10 - East and West
Honors Humanities 11 - The American Experience
Honors Humanities 12 - The Modern World

Honors QR Analysis of Change
Honors QR Investigations and Calculus I
Honors QR Investigations and Calculus II

Honors Integrated Science 9
Honors Integrated Science 10
Honors Integrated Science 11
Honors Biology
Honors Ecological Research

Honors Spanish 
Honors Spanish Seminar - Food/Art/Music/Culture
Honors Spanish Seminar - Environment, Film, and Fiction 

Honors Courses & Dual Enrollment

Christchurch offers more than 20 college-level honors courses designed to give motivated students an opportunity to explore subjects in more depth. A high school transcript that includes honors classes will appeal to selective colleges interested in students who have challenged themselves. An alternative to traditional advanced placement courses, honors courses allow students to explore a subject more thoroughly and learn more meaningfully by focusing on depth of content and critical thinking.

Christchurch School

49 Seahorse Lane,
Christchurch, Virginia 23031