List of 2 members.

  • Photo of James Sterling

    James Sterling 

    IT Director
  • Photo of Jim Robb

    Jim Robb 

    Design & Technology Specialist; Technology Department Chair; Hall Leader 3rd Murrell


Mechatronics, Robotics, Coding, Hands-On Building

Christchurch's Creativity, Research and Entrepreneurship (CRE) Program takes experiential learning to a new level, building creative confidence and teaching students the skills they need to succeed in an evolving world. CRE incorporates design thinking into the classroom, presenting students with challenges and asking them to collaborate on solutions, which might include designing new products or improving existing ones.

Students work in the school's Makerspace, using computer hardware and software, 3D printers, laser cutters, and other advanced technological tools not simply to complete an assignment, but to foster their own creativity. The CRE Program encourages students to collaborate, brainstorm, research, build prototypes, test, and ultimately bring their original, innovative ideas to fruition.

After an introduction to computer programming for mechanical systems, students are given a multi-faceted problem (such as a maze). They then design and build a robot that will use sensors to navigate the problem autonomously. As a final project, students are asked to create and develop their own original robot and associated program which can complete a task that is useful to the Christchurch Community. The results are amazing!

In winter, students can choose Robotics for their afternoon co-curricular. Learn more. 

Christchurch School

49 Seahorse Lane,
Christchurch, Virginia 23031