Digital Yearbook Library

Thanks to the Class of 1961, who, on the occasion of their 60th reunion and to mark the school's centennial celebration, have funded this digital yearbook project in order to create a legacy and connection for all Christchurch School alumni to enjoy.
Over the last 100 years, Christchurch has evolved with its dynamic and innovative approach to learning, while still maintaining its traditions, community, and relationships. Yes, some of the faces and names have changed, and there may be a few new buildings on campus, but make no mistake – this is still your school!
Christchurch School, is and was our foundation for the future. We all stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before and we are the shoulders for future Christchurch generations ... GO BLUE ... and thank you to the Class of 1961 for sponsoring the digital yearbook library!

Christchurch School

49 Seahorse Lane,
Christchurch, Virginia 23031